New BICSI-Approved Cable Management Course Available | Chatsworth Products
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New BICSI-Approved Cable Management Course Available

(Events and Training, Cable Management) Permanent link

BICSIChatsworth Products’ (CPI) training course, Considerations for Effective Cable Management, is now available for 1 BICSI continuing education credit (CEC). 

The course discusses a number of cable management topics including standards, how cable management effects everything from adds, moves, and changes to overall network efficiency and performance.  It also includes a variety of scenarios and solutions such as overcoming the challenges in a typical cable or ladder runway installation.

A CPI sales manager will guide participants through the material. To receive credit, participants must attend the live presentation. Training can be held at your location.

For more information about this and other CPI BICSI-approved courses, visit CPI’s course library. To schedule training in your area, contact your local sales manager or Pam Bunn, CPI Training Manager.

Shannon Ryan, Digital Marketing Administrator

Posted by Shannon Ryan, Digital Marketing Administrator at 01/26/2017 07:51:48 AM


buenas tardes me gustria recibir mas infotmacion sobre los cursos en mexico
Posted by: francisco perez at 1/26/2017 3:21 PM

Para obtener más información sobre los servicios y programación de la capacitación de CPI, o para programar una capacitación en su área, simplemente comuníquese con su representante de CPI Representante de CPI.
Posted by: Kim Ream at 2/2/2017 2:15 PM

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1/16/2025 12:19:56 AM