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CPI and Corning Cable Systems Collaborate on Fiber Solution

January 25, 2008

  The new CPI Fiber Management for TeraFrame™ Family of Cabinets drew a lot of attention at this month’s BICSI conference and for good reason – this new solution addresses the challenges of managing large volumes of optical fiber cables and patch

BICSI - Orlando, 2008

January 18, 2008

  The 2008 BICSI Winter Conference held this week in Orlando seemed to be well attended, especially if judging from the amount of people who visited the exhibits each evening. It is reassuring to see such enthusiasm in the market

Give Us Your Product Suggestions

January 09, 2008

We were busy designing new products throughout 2007 with the most recent being introduced at the BISCI Conference that kicks off this Sunday, January 13. These include CPI Fiber Management for TeraFrame™ Family of Cabinets Evolution™ Cable Management Adjustable Rail

Let Me Introduce Our Teams - Sales

January 04, 2008

How was your holiday?  I hope you and yours enjoyed it and everybody was safe.  It is always exciting to start a new year and we look forward to new opportunities working with you and your teams to be successful. 

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