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Divide and Conquer - Improving Your Data Center's Cooling Efficiency

July 28, 2010

What is the one the thing a typical data center operator can do to improve data center cooling efficiency? Well, there’s one simple phrase, divide and conquer. Look at the hot aisle / cold aisle data design that was intended to separate ...

Expect to See Updates to Chatsworth Website - We Welcome Your Suggestions

July 22, 2010

CPI’s purpose is “To Delight the Customer”. This is our motivation for every product, solution and improvement we make. One improvement you may notice very soon is an update to our website home page. This update will be one step ...

Let the Energy Star Data Center Rating Noise Begin

July 20, 2010

This past Thursday I received an email from [email protected], along with a copy of “Recommendations for Measuring and Reporting Overall Data Center Efficiency: Version 1”, as did, I suspect a million or so of my closest colleagues in the data center and related industries. The note referenced a January meeting of ...

PowerScope In-Line Meter Gives Your Basic PDU a Boost

July 16, 2010

Would you like to measure your power usage even though you are using basic power distribution units? Chatsworth offers a product that allows you upgrade basic and metered PDUs with an in line current meter for network based current monitoring. Watch the video.

Does the Greenest Supercomputer on the Planet Need CPI Cable Management?

July 13, 2010

The Greenest Supercomputer On the Planet --  The photo is enough to capture your attention, but the explanation is just as interesting. A colleague came across this article by Kyle VanHemert on Gizmodo.com and figured that other CPI ...

Uptime Institute Releases New Sustainability Standard for Data Centers

July 08, 2010

Last week the Uptime Institute released a new international operational sustainability standard for data center owners, operators and managers titled, Tier Standard Operational Sustainability. According to the Uptime Institute Website, this Standard addresses the facility’s management behaviors and risks that ...

July is Great Time to Enjoy Your Freedom to Register for a Chance to Win a Cruise!

July 01, 2010

In January we kicked off a special sweepstake promotion featuring our Enterprise Infrastructure products. And, just like the temperature outside, the contest is heating up! ...

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