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BICSI Releases New Data Center Standard

June 24, 2010

On Monday BICSI announced the release of its newest standard, BICSI 002-2010, Data Center Design and Implementation Best Practices. A BICSI press release concerning the new standard explains that with the push for greater capacity, increased efficiency and higher ...

EPA's Energy Star Rating for Data Centers - Is it a Step in the Right Direction?

June 23, 2010

This month the Environmental Protection Agency released its Energy Star Rating for data centers and there has already been much conversation on the subject. An intelligent summary and critique can be found in Bob McFarlane’s article, “Energy Star for Data ...

News and Updates

June 18, 2010

First, Happy Father's Day to any fathers who may be reading this, hope you have an enjoyable weekend. And if you are not a father, I hope you have an enjoyable weekend as well! Next I wanted to highlight some events and other updates that you may find useful.

Your Guide for Tools and Resources to Make Your Job Easier

June 11, 2010

Chatsworth Products has a variety of resources that many of our customers find very useful when it comes to planning, designing or expanding their current information technology infrastructure. Many are found on our website, while others may involve a site ...

June Brings Another Opportunity to Register to Win a Cruise

June 08, 2010

We have awarded two cruises, but there are still two more to be given away. If you have already registered but haven't won, try again by viewing the new video featuring our Controlled Power Distribution Unit solutions found on the cruise sweepstakes ...

Challenge: How Fast Can You Put Together the New Velocity Cable Manager?

June 04, 2010

We recently released Velocity™ Cable Management for Rack Systems. One of the product's key features is that it ships unassembled in a compact carton making it easy for our customers to ship and store, but how easy is it to put it together? Watch the video ...

Second Cruise Winner Announced; Two More Chances to Win

June 01, 2010

Jeremy Odenbrett of Murrieta California, has been selected as a winner in the Chatsworth Products, Inc. 2010 Cruise Sweepstakes. He is an IT Administrator with A Better Tomorrow, a drug rehabilitation center in Southern California. Jeremy registered to win the ...

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