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Teamwork, Caring and Commitment are Values for Life as Well as Work

December 21, 2009

In last week's blog I mentioned some of the year's business highlights. This week I'd like to give you some insight into other company endeavors during 2009 ...


8,472 and Counting

December 17, 2009

One year provides 8760 hours to work, play, sleep or whatever it is we hope to do, unless it is a leap year then we get an extra twenty four. This year at CPI it seems to me that we've gotten the most out of the year by ...

Answers for Data Center Managers to Consider from Gartner

December 09, 2009

I recently came across an article written by Bob DeCoufle on Datacenterjournal.com titled “Gartner: Data center energy costs are not getting cheaper”. In the article DeCoufle addresses some of the challenges data center manager face as they bear the burden of keeping a data center operational, and according to Gartner the task is not getting any easier ...

Cisco Data Center Video Includes CPI F-Series TeraFrame Cabinets

December 03, 2009

Cisco posted a video to their YouTube channel last week about Network Virtualization and Unified I/O. The video, embedded below, shows our F-Series TeraFrame™ Cabinet (in Glacier White) deployed in a data center in Northern California ...

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