One of my most gratifying, work-related tasks is breaking open a box of new CPI catalogs and handing them to my fellow employees. This event is the culmination of months of content development, design work and proofing by individuals in several departments. My teammates love getting their new catalog and we all bask in its beauty –for at least 10 seconds – before getting back to work. It’s a quick satisfying moment, sort of like Thanksgiving dinner.
CPI’s product catalog has a long and illustrious history. It is known for its small, compact size (5.5” x 7”) and spiral binding. We originally designed it this way so that it would easily fit into a tool box, now our "mini catalog" is somewhat of a CPI trademark. However, if we continue to develop new products at our current rate, it may end up more like a cube – as thick as it is wide and tall!
Our current 2008 catalog has several new products, including Evolution™ Cable Management, LCD/KVM Console for four-post Racks and Cabinets, the Adjustable Rail QuadraRack™ and ServerRack and CPI Fiber Management, which works in conjunction with Corning Cable Systems Zero-U Solutions within our very popular TeraFrame™ Family of Cabinets. We’ve also added new AAT Zone and Wireless Enclosure boxes to provide telecommunications spaces outside of the traditional telecommunications room and reducing overall costs of adding and moving network cabling.
Our complete catalog is also available in PDF format on our Website and on CD. If you need more detailed information you can download product data sheets from our online Documentation Center. Additionally, several of our products, such as Racks and Cabinets, can be customized online using our Product Configurator.
Does your toolbox need a new CPI catalog or do you prefer a CD? You can request one online. I hope that you enjoy our 2008 Catalog, and if you have any feedback about how we can improve it, just select the “Comment” link below or email me at [email protected]. I would like to thank everyone for their input and assistance since this is truly a joint effort in providing a comprehensive and accurate mini-catalog. Now I can rest from my catalog duties – at least for a few months, then it starts all over again! Jeanne Carr, Graphic Designer