The Green Grid, in collaboration with worldwide government and industry organizations, designated power usage effectiveness (PUE) as the global metric for measuring data center efficiency according to a press release posted last week on The Green Grid Website.
The U.S. Department of Energy’s Save Now and Federal Energy Management Programs, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) ENERGY STAR Program, European Union Code of Conduct, Japan Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry’s (METI) Green IT Initiative, and Japan’s Green IT Promotion Council (GIPC) joined The Green Grid in reaching an agreement on the guiding principles of data center energy efficiency metrics. This agreement represents a significant achievement, as these organizations continue working to ensure data center efficiency metrics, measurements and reporting conventions can be applied with clarity and consistency at the global level.
CPI is a contributing member of The Green Grid and has long promoted PUE as a reliable metric for measuring data center efficiency. CPI’s PUE Calculator™, is a complimentary tool that provides you with the ability to determine your data center cost savings when combining CPI Passive Cooling® Solutions with today’s most effective cooling strategies including KyotoCooling, water-side economizers or evaporative air-side economizers.

The calculator requires your specific data such as power consumption and cost of electricity, then considers environmental variables (provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Organization) to determine the best possible PUE for your data center.
Find out if you can improve your data center’s PUE by giving CPI’s PUE Calculator a try. If you have any questions about the calculator or passive cooling, email [email protected] or call 800-834-4969. Kim Ream, Sr. eCommerce Specialist