CPI Regional Sales Manager Obtains BICSI Data Center Design Consultant Designation | Chatsworth Products
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CPI Regional Sales Manager Obtains BICSI Data Center Design Consultant Designation

(CPI Sales Team, Data Center, Design Tools, Our Company) Permanent link

BICSI Logo.jpgRobb Jones, Chatsworth Products’ (CPI) Sales Manager for Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington states, is the first CPI employee to earn the BICSI Data Center Design Consultant (DCDC) designation. Jones passed the DCDC test in half the time allotted to take it.

Released in 2011, the DCDC test was created to recognize the individuals who have demonstrated both the knowledge and ability to apply it over the multiple facets within data center design. Candidates for the designation are individuals involved in the planning, implementing and making of critical decisions regarding data centers. BICSI recommends this credential for Data center, IT, facility or project managers, architects, engineers, designers, consultants and those planning to enter careers in the data center design, construction or maintenance fields.

Congratulations to Robb Jones on this achievement!

CPI is proud to employ individuals with such high credentials. Additionally, several CPI employees, including Jones, possess the RCDD certification. See the complete list here.

Shannon Erdley, Creative Writer/Public Affairs Specialist

Posted by Shannon Erdley, Creative Writer/Public Affairs Specialist at 12/16/2014 11:05:44 AM


Congratulations Robb, credit well deserved!
Posted by: Andy Honeycutt at 12/16/2014 11:25 PM

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3/14/2025 6:38:36 AM