CPI's 2015 Mini Product Catalog Now Available | Chatsworth Products
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CPI's 2015 Mini Product Catalog Now Available

(CPI Products, Design Tools, Our Company) Permanent link

2015 CPI CatalogChatsworth Products (CPI) is proud to announce the release of its 2015 Mini Catalog in both print and digital format.

As always, the product catalog features comprehensive documentation at a moment’s notice for all of CPI’s most popular solutions, including our full line of Cabinet and Enclosure Systems, Racks, Cable Management, Cable Pathway, Grounding and Bonding, Software and more.

New Product Additions 

  • F-Series TeraFrame® Gen 3 Cabinet System
  • N-Series TeraFrame® Gen 3 Cabinet System
  • GF-Series GlobalFrame® Gen 2 Cabinet System
  • Z4-Series SeismicFrame® Cabinet System
  • Runway Radius Bend and E-Bend with Additional Widths
  • GVCS Available in 10"W Sections
  • Remote Infrastructure Management Products
  • KoldLok® 2-Post Grommet Products

You will also notice the 2015 CPI Mini Catalog product tabs are now in alphabetical order. Additionally, the CPI Catalog App will be updated and published soon to match the CPI print catalog.

For those hands-on folks who like to keep a printed catalog close by, this year’s hard copy is slim and trim, fits snugly in any installer’s toolbox and sports handy quick-flip tabs for each major product category.

Click here to request a print copy or download a PDF copy now (20 MB).

Jeanne Carr, Graphic Design Specialist

Posted by Jeanne Carr, Graphic Design Specialist at 12/22/2014 09:14:03 AM

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3/14/2025 12:12:50 PM