MasterFormat® Specifications

MasterFormat® 2016, a product of the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI), is a widely used standard for documenting project requirements on commercial and institutional building projects in the United States and Canada.
The MasterFormat is organized by divisions and sections. Each division addresses a different set of requirements for the construction project. Division 27 specifically addresses communications construction, providing specifications and instructions for areas such as data, voice, audio, video, cabling, enclosures, grounding and bonding. Division 26 addresses electrical construction and covers areas such as cable tray and industrial enclosures.
How to Use CPI's Product Specifications
The links below provide reference specifications for CPI products under Division 27 and 26. There are also hidden specifiers notes to assist in product selection. Download the files that you need, and modify them to match your specific requirements.
Additionally, if you use InterSpec e-SPECS® specification writing software from ARCOM, CPI product specifications within the software are now available.
CPI also offers BIM Revit drawings on the CPI website or the bimobject® website (formerly Autodesk Seek) including models that make creating runway and tray pathways easy, as well as aisle containment doors and ducts.
Section 27 05 36: Cable Trays for Communications Systems
This document provides the minimum composition requirements and installation methods for the following:
- Pemsa® Rejiband® Wire Mesh Tray System
Click here to download.
Section 26 05 36: Cable Trays for Electrical Systems
This document provides the minimum composition requirements and installation methods for the following:
- Pemsa® Rejiband® Wire Mesh Tray System
Click here to download.
Section 27 05 26: Grounding and Bonding for Communications Systems
This document provides minimum composition requirements and installation methods for the following:
- Primary Busbar (PBB)
- Secondary Busbar (SBB)
- Rack Busbar (RBB)
- Bonding Jumpers and Straps
- Compression Lugs
- Compression Taps
- Pedestal Clamps
- Pipe Clamps
- Antioxidant Joint Compound
Click here to download.
Section 27 11 16: Communications Cabinets, Racks, Frames and Enclosures
These documents provide minimum composition requirements and installation methods for the following:
- TeraFrame® Cabinet System
- MegaFrame® Cabinet System
- Thermal Management Accessories
- Cable Management Accessories
- Power Management Accessories
- Environmental Monitoring For Cabinets
- CUBE-iT™ Cabinet System
- ThinLine II Wall-Mount Cabinet
- Standard Wall-Mount Cabinet
- Hot and Cold Aisle Containment Enclosures (HAC/CAC)
- Rack Systems
- Consolidation Point Enclosures
- Telecommunications Enclosures
- Wireless Enclosures
Click here to download.
Section 27 11 23: Cable Management and Ladder Rack
This document provides minimum composition requirements and installation methods for the following:
- Vertical Cable Management for Rack Systems
- Horizontal Cable Management for Rack Systems
- Ladder Rack (Cable Runway)
Click here to download.
Section 27 11 26: Communications Rack Mounted Power Protection and Power Strips
This document provides minimum composition requirements and installation methods for the following:
- Rack-Mounted Power Distribution Units
Click here to download.
Section 26 27 16: Electrical Cabinets and Enclosures
This document provides minimum composition requirements and installation methods for the following:
- RMR® Modular Enclosure
- RMR Fixed Wall-Mounted Enclosure
- RMR Swing Wall-Mounted Enclosure
- RMR Floor-Mount Enclosure
- RMR Free-Standing Enclosure
- RMR Standard Wall-Mount Enclosure
Click here to download.
Section 25 30 00: Integrated Automation Instrumentation and Terminal Devices
This document provides minimum composition requirements and installation methods for the following:
- Remote Environmental Monitoring Appliance
- Network Protocol Converter Appliance
- Environmental Monitoring Sensors
Click here to view the RIM product page.