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OSHPD Wall-Mount Systems

CPI offers smaller structural support systems that help you save space in tight areas and support equipment outside the data room. These products feature high-quality construction in a variety of sizes and options to suit your needs and budget  For more information about CPI Wall-Mount Systems, click here.

OPM Products 


 Product OPM Number
  CUBE-iT™ Wall-Mount Cabinet  OPM-0196-13
Pre-Approval   | Calculation  
 Standard Swing Gate Rack  OPM-0263-13
Pre-Approval  | Calculation 
  Fixed Wall-Mount Equipment Rack  OPM-0265-13  
Pre-Approval  |  Calculation
  Heavy Duty Wall-Mount Equipment Rack OPM-0265-13  
Pre-Approval  |  Calculation


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