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Additional Products

Rack Enclosure

In addition to the Two-Post and Four-Post Racks offered by Chatsworth Products there are a variety of additional products which work in conjunction with and enhance the value of these structural support systems.Additional products include:

  • Velocity® Standard Pack –Velocity® Cable Management plus Standard Rack and installation hardware in one convenient package.
  • Single Rack Enclosure - Add doors and panels to an existing two-post racks. Enclosures are available for single racks or for multiple bayed racks and cabling sections. Enclosure cooling products also are available to help ventilate equipment.
  • ExpandaRack Kits – Converts a two-post rack into a four-post frame. Two #12-24 tapped rails and top and bottom pans are included . Top and bottom pans available without rails to convert two existing two-post racks of the same height into one four-post rack .
  • High Density Patching Frame  – the benefits of a two-post open rack and vertical cable management in one unit. Designed to maximize the support of patch panels and a high density of cables.
  • Structured Termination Systems – for high-density 110- and 66-style blocks. Support of termination blocks used for voice cabling and in situations that require few cable moves, adds and changes.

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12/26/2024 8:00:01 AM