Attend a Webinar by Chatsworth Products (CPI) to Lower Cooling Costs and Improve Efficiency | Chatsworth Products
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Faced with Migrating a Legacy Data Center? Overcome the Challenges. Attend a Webinar to Find Out How.

(Events and Training, Data Center, Airflow Management, Thermal Management, Data Center, CPI Blog) Permanent link


Anthem, Inc. Data Center ContainmentEnsuring newer, higher-density data center equipment has enough space, power and cooling—while keeping costs down—are typical challenges experienced by many legacy data centers. 

If you're facing these challenges, you will benefit from attending a free webinar on June 21, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. CST / 4:00 p.m. GMT. Chatsworth Products (CPI) thermal expert, John Thompson, takes participants through a real-world journey of a 1,000-cabinet legacy data center as they migrated from open hot/cold aisles to contained aisles and cabinets, and became a model of efficiency. 

By participating in this free event, you'll learn about how this legacy data center overcame tough challenges and how they achieved lower cooling costs by realizing the benefits of:

  • Utilizing a data-driven approach in the planning and deployment of your containment strategies
  • Leveraging Variable Frequency Drives in air handlers to lower cooling costs
  • Transforming a data center into an easy-to-manage, contained space while minimizing CAPEX
  • The value of strong partnerships, and the importance they play in a successful outcome

Participate in the discussion to find out more about this unique design process. Register today.

Brittany Mangan, Digital Content Specialist


Posted by Brittany Mangan, Digital Content Specialist at 05/17/2018 06:00:25 AM

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2/17/2025 1:33:04 PM