Choose Your PDU Wisely: Use CPI’s New eConnect® PDU Selector | Chatsworth Products
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Choose Your PDUs Quickly: Use CPI’s New eConnect® PDU Selector

(Power Management) Permanent link

eConnect SelectorDon't spend hours or days trying to decide which eConnect® Power Distribution Unit (PDU) best fits your application.  

With Chatsworth Products’ (CPI) new eConnect® PDU Product Selector, you’re just a few clicks away from making a good buying decision.  

The eConnect Selector is a simple and user-friendly tool that demystifies the part-number hassle by letting you choose your next eConnect PDU according to your power requirements.

Whether you know all your power requirements or just some criteria, you can narrow down your selection based on the number of outlets, input power range, maximum input Amps, input voltage and more.

Once you see which models are available, you can compare up to four PDUs at once to see which one is right for your needs. You also have the option to email or print the results of the comparison. 

eConnect PDUs are designed to withstand the high heat loads of any hot aisle environment and are available in more than 180 standard configurations.

Select and Compare PDUs now.

Raissa Carey, eContent Specialist

Posted by Raissa Carey, eContent Specialist at 02/24/2014 02:59:01 PM

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4/25/2024 4:07:51 AM