Commitment to Quality | Chatsworth Products
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Continuous Improvement

F-Series TeraFrame Cabinets


CPI is committed to being a company of the highest quality in every aspect of its business: Quality Products, Quality Services and most of all ... Quality people.


Quality Products

  • Durable construction
  • Designed for maximum functionality
  • Engineered with safety as a top priority
  • UL listing and certification on many products
  • OSHPD Pre-Approval of Manufacturer's Certification (OPM) for seismic applications in select products
  • Innovative designs
  • Numerous patents and awards
  • Secure packaging to ensure your product arrives in perfect condition

UL DQS Inc. has certified CPI as an ISO 9001 Certified Company.

Quality Services

  • Fast response to customer service requests
  • Individualized solutions from expert salespeople
  • One-on-one assistance with layout configuration and other services
  • Free time-saving design tools, such as Visio Shapes, CAD Blocks and Cable Fill Tables

Quality People

  • Motivated employee-owners
  • Distributor & Strategic Alliance Partners

Customer Focus

Customer satisfaction is the paramount purpose of all company activities. Meeting the requirements and value expectations of our internal and external customers is the primary task of every employee.

Continuous Improvement & Environmental Commitment

Our planning activities recognize continuous improvement as a primary business objective. Our products and services, together with the processes and systems that produce them, are world-class.

CPI is also committed to continually improve and promote sound environmental practices. We believe that environmental protection is a strategic business issue and is in line with our social responsibility of corporate citizenship. For complete details, read our Environmental Policy.

Employee Involvement

We provide an environment and related value system in which all CPI employee-owners are personally involved, individually and as team members, in establishing and achieving quality goals.

Supplier Partnership

We develop and maintain mutually beneficial partnerships with suppliers who share our commitment to achieving increasing levels of customer satisfaction through continuing improvements in quality, service, timeliness and cost.

Highest Standards of Conduct, Ethics and Integrity

We conduct our business in strict compliance with applicable laws, rules and regulations, with honesty and integrity and with a strong commitment to the highest standards of business ethics.

Our Guarantee

 We guarantee manufactured products and each part or component thereof against all defects in material and/or workmanship. For complete details read our terms & conditions statement.

Protecting Your Privacy

 Your privacy is our priority. We will not use any information without your consent or prior contact with us. Any information you provide will be held with the utmost care and used only to improve our products and services for you. For complete details read our privacy policy statement.

Technical Support

Contact Technical Support if you have questions about:

  • Products & Installation
  • Consultation Services

In the U.S. call 1-800-834-4969, outside the U.S. & Canada, call +818-739-3400.

Or you can submit a Customer Service Request.

Hours: Mon - Fri, 5am to 5pm, Pacific

3/9/2025 3:12:43 PM